In the year of the Society 48, in an effort to foster closer ties between the rivers area Baronies, the Tri-Baronial Treaty was created. The men and women who bore the Coronets of Three Mountains, Stromgard , and Dragon’s Mist (respectively; Multnomah & Clackamas counties in Oregon, Clark & Skamania counties in Washington State and Washington & Clatsop counties in Oregon), chose to openly and for all time solidify the friendship and community that had grown under Their feet. Cheerfully, the people of the three Baronies, as well as many from local Shires were paricipating together, in friendship and joy. The treaty was signed in August, Anno Societatis 48, (2013) at “Sport of Kingsâ€, an event held by the Barony of Three Mountains. It is considered a defining moment for the SCA in Our area, encouraging the different groups to come together to foster further growth, share knowledge and resources in order to build stronger ties of support and history into the future.
Additionally, it’s goals are:
- to provide automatic permission to use lands in the other Baronies’ boundaries without the need for a fee.
- to have all three Baronies work together to align Our calendars and minimize overlap which tends to cause burnout of local resources and volunteers.
- to Banish the Clan of Some from Our holdings in perpetuity and refuse to allow them purchase on Our collective soil.
- and to work together to make Our Society more robust and more enjoyable for the populace and it’s representatives.
The Treaty
Aedan and Alexandria, by the grace of the King of An Tir, Baron and Baroness of Three Mountains, Ivon and Hlutwige, by the grace of the King of An Tir, Baron and Baroness of Stromgard, Refr and Svava, by the grace of the King of An Tir, Baron and Baroness of Dragons Mist to Our justices, sheriffs, and all bailiffs and officers throughout the whole of Three Mountains, Stromgard and Dragons Mist as well as Our populace both joint and several and all to whom these presents shall come present and future greetings health and sincere affection.
Predecessors of sharper memory more experienced in literary work commended monuments of things accomplished to the notice of their successors inspiring by this example lest they slothfully neglect something worthy of memory to future times. We, thinking to Our and Our successors’ benefit, since while we know the beginning we do not know what the end may be, lest acts well and piously done be confounded by oblivion through time, let us take care to recall them in memory with virile writings. Let all know that we have gathered together with Our cousins and neighbors from the Baronies of Three Mountains, Stromgard and Dragons Mist to codify and preserve for posterity this Our agreement between Ourselves that we think it necessary to hereby subscribe.
Among specific things that gladden us with welcome delight, Our heart rejuvenates in great joy and exults in longed for happiness, when we see that those persons, whom providence has endowed towards the purpose of guiding Baronies and kingdoms, are intent upon the common progress of their subjects, and when we admire their concern for the welfare of public interests acknowledge that we of the Baronies of Three Mountains, Stromgard and Dragons Mist cohabitate closely with one another and are united by resources, friendship, and a desire to make common cause. And we will endeavor to foster these mutual accords in the coming years and that to every citizen of these three Baronies we shall show peace, and we shall protect and defend them with good will just as we do my other persons. And that justice shall be done to all of Our citizens by Our bailiffs, we grant liberty to Our bailiffs and such others as Our bailiffs have appointed. Let it be known to you that We have granted and conceded on the advice of Our councils, and with the counsel of Our Barons to the citizens of Our Baronies free entry and exit into and out of the town, in the plain, woods, marshes, roads, paths, and other thoroughfares, except in the meadows and cornfields as freely as ever any one can. And know also that they are free and quit of all unjust and uncustomary tax. Let it not be hidden that our king, has granted to us the power to do these things, and that his charter has confirmed Our statutes and Our laws according to the form of the laws of Our Baronies so that he might promote and exalt the honor of his mighty prowess with all these free customs.
We Barons and Baronesses have given Our Permission to use each other’s lands trusting that Our cousins will hold the land in good trust and that we will inform the land owners promptly. And that they may be exempt from toll, passage, and customs throughout all of Our land. Furthermore, that no-one should harass them for customs We shall not bring it about by deed, word, consent or counsel, that they lose life or members or be taken captive, We will impede their being harmed if We know of it, and will cause harm to be removed from them if We shall be able. We will aid to the best of Our ability in holding and defending Our baronies whoever may rule them against all men.
We further agree to collaborate with Our cousins and their councils in order to align Our calendars together to ensure that confliction of dates for Our feasts and tournaments, revels and schools shall not occur thusly ensuring that local laborers, craftspeople and tradespeople and that lists, halls, and fields remain available and viable for each of us and our heirs and our present and future citizens.
Furthermore do we all signatories of this present charter of treaty, recognizing the wise and just enactment of the following, confirm and issue this banishment, done with wisdom toward the establishment of peace within their lands by the learned forefathers of the Barony of Three Mountains, Baron Roger and Baroness Morag, and Confirmed and reissued by all Barons and Baronesses since in the Barony of Three Mountains .
We do hereby banish the clan of some from Our lands and presence in perpetuity. We command all of Our citizens, as they love us, to offer no aid, nor comfort to any of the Clan of Some. We would deny the aforesaid Clan of Some safe harbor or safe haven, and we charge Our citizens to provide none of these for this reprehensible clan. If any statement is made by this aforesaid Clan of Some respecting any matters let none believe it. And let the Clan of Some know that we do not care any for the safety or affection of this aforesaid clan, but we defy you, as enemies of us and Our citizens. We deny the Clan of Some any freedoms and any peace whilst they are in Our lands, and we trust that our ministers and citizens shall likewise prohibit the inhabitation of Our lands by any of the Clan of Some. Let all that have heard these words spread them far and wide, so that none of this aforesaid clan shall attempt to make their residence in Our lands. So let it be known that Some people are banished.
No one, therefore, is permitted to infringe upon this charter of Our protection, will, regulation and confirmation, or to go against it with reckless audacity. And if anyone should dare to attempt this he shall find himself incurring the anger of Our Baronies and Their Royal Leonine Majesties of An Tir. And We wish that if any one break this charter that they be proclaimed anathema. Lest any of Our successors diminish this gift and concession, or constrain them to pay greater taxes, alleging that they have usurped these privileges, and have no warrant for them, We have left this charter as a suitable testimony of the said treaty. We will observe all the conditions to which We have agreed and spoken by my mouth and will keep them inviolate for all time. And that this may never be forgotten, We have set here our hands, and have made it be confirmed with our seals as may be seen below. Given at the joint court of Three Mountains, Stromgard and Dragon’s Mist on the 17th day of August in the forty eighth year of the Society.