
- Explorer (location researcher)
- Revels Coordinator (coordinator of weekly social meet ups)
- Scribe (Historical Document Reproduction)
- Dance Minister
- YAFA Kingdom Coordinator
- Contingency Deputy
- Deputy Social Media Minister
White Dragon Pursuivant

- Silent Herald (ASL interpreter)
- Contingency Deputy
Chancellor of the Exchequer

- Chamberlain
- Contingency Deputy
Earl Marshal

- Rapier Marshal
- Armored Marshal
- Archery Marshal
- Youth Armored Combat (YAC) Marshal
- Thrown Weapons Marshal
- List Minister
- Contingency Deputy
Minister of Arts and Sciences

- Contingency Deputy

- Web Minister (website developer)
- Keeper of the Grete Book (Branch Historian)
- Librarian
- Contingency Deputy

Open Major Officer Positions
Are you interested in furthering the Dream? Could you serve as an officer of the Barony? Here is where we need your help most!
Open Deputy Positions
– Deputy Archery Marshall
– Demo Coordinator
– Minister of Family Activities (Branch Children’s activities Coordinator)
– Family Activities
– List Minister
– YAFA Kingdom Coordinator
– Kingdom YAFA
– Social Media Minister
If you are interested in filling one of these rolls, please contact the Major officer of that position and/or the Seneschal (Emails can be found under each officer title).