A demo (“demonstration”) is an organized educational effort to teach and/or display activities of historical interest in general, and SCA interest in particular, to the general public. We are available to do demos for schools, scout troops, festivals, and farmer’s markets in Washington and Clatsop Counties.
Fayum Mummy Portraits Boris and Gleb Russian 14th Cent Giulia Farnese by Luca Longhi
Dragon’s Mist can provide educational modules on daily life, food, textiles, calligraphy, armor and warfare, rapier fighting, art, and diversity.

We have members who can talk about ancient Rome, Viking civilizations, Mongolia, the Heian and Kamakura Periods of Japan, medieval Persia, and others. Be sure to specify what time period and culture you are interested in!

Interested in setting up a Demo at your location, please send an email with the following information to our Demo Coordinator
Name or Orginization:
City and State:
Proposed site:
Any information you would like or questions you may have.
The Society for Creative Anachronism is an all-volunteer organization.