Greeting unto the most patient and enthusiastic Barony of Dragon’s Mist.
We are excited to share with you the news– Their Majesties, Lionhearted King Christian and Sage Queen Helene have sent word to us regarding our Heirs!!!
We would like to Congratulate Sir Istvan Gyori and Mistress Idonia Sherwod on their selection to follow in our Tenure as Baron and Baroness of Dragon’s Mist!

We are excited to see them step up in a virtual ceremony to be held on August 1st- so watch for the Announcement or that information coming soon.
Our hearts are full with pride at the showing Dragon’s Mist has made during this process. ALL of the couples are amazingly enthusiastic, compassionate and deeply committed to the success of Dragon’s Mist and her Peoples. We thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for putting yourselves forward to lead us into the future.
Please join us in thanking all of our couples and Congratulating our new Heirs!! HAZZAH!!!!
Yours in Service Ana de la Sara, Baroness, Dragon’s Mist Jose Cabrera de Castilla, Baron, Dragon’s Mist