Service Awards
1. Jewel of the Dragon (The Hand of Fulla) – an entry-level service award as recognition to members of the barony
2. The Dragon’s Egg – awarded to minors for service
3. Horn of the Dragon (Vinur Orminum) – awarded to friends of the barony who provide sustained assistance and services
4. Sable Pillar – an award for households that provide exceptional services to the barony
5. White Cloud(Retired)– A populace’s choice award for service to the Shire

Largesse / A&S Awards
1. Ring Maker – an entry-level award for providing largesse to the barony
2. Golden Basket (Sindri’s Gift) – an advanced award for creation and donation of arts and sciences items for baronial use or regalia
3. Argent Forge – Arts and Sciences entry level

Favor or Recognition Awards
1. Dragon’s Dawn – an acknowledgement of the birth of new babies to members of the barony
2. Dragon’s Kin – an acknowledgment of baronial citizenship to those who live outside our bounds but consider Dragon’s Mist their home

Martial Award Recommendation
1. Argent Dragon’s Blade – an award for martial leadership on behalf of the barony

Dragon’s Mist also has polling Orders!
These are decided by the member of those orders- If you think someone should be inducted into one of these orders, please contact their order Secretaries- (Listed)
Order of the Book and Quill
Advanced A&S
(Disa i Birkilundi)
Order of the Crossed Roads
Rapier Prowess
(Eoghan O’Briain)
Order of the Heart of Dragon’s Mist
Advanced Service
(Ana de la Sara)
Order of the Pierced Heart
Archery/Thrown Weapons Prowess
(N/A- please contact BnB w/questions)
Order of the Sanguine Stained Banner
Armored Fighter Prowess
(Istvan Gyori)
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our webminister.