Their Excellencies of Dragon’s Mist and their Heavy Champion, HG Sir Hrafna

Lucia Piazetta

Persona: Late 16th C. Venetian (occasionally Flavian dynasty Roman)
Color Preferences: Green, purple, teal, orange, burgundy, dark blue, fuchsia
Personal Favorite Color: Green (also Purple)
Fabric Preferences: Silk, wool, linen
General Interests: Historical cooking and fermentation, music, science, gardening
General Dislikes: Hot Weather
Music: All, but especially Lute
Foods: Low sodium, otherwise no major dietary restrictions
Likes: Chocolate, berries, interesting cheeses, spices!
Dislikes: Overly greasy foods

Iago Cabrera de Cadiz

Persona: Late 16th C. Spanish
Color Preferences: Black and white, burgundy
Personal Favorite Color: Orange
Fabric Preferences: Wool, linen
General Interests: Rapier combat, brewing, archery, games
General Dislikes: Bullies, Intolerance
Music: Yes, please
Foods: Bad reactions to mayo and eggs (an egg as an ingredient in baking is not an issue)
Likes: Jelly Beans, Potatoes in almost any form
Dislikes: Legumes