Baron Jose Cabrera de Castilla and Baroness Ana de la Sara would like to request nominations for those who would succeed them as the next Coronets of Dragon’s Mist. Nominations should be sent to Dragons Mist Feedback via Sir Istvan Gyoriat by 5pm March 15th, 2020.
Letters of Intent and Resumes will be due on 5PM March 20th, 2020.  The following schedule outlines the remainder of the polling process: Â
April 10th, 2020, 7PM: Baronial meet and greet with the populace – Beaverton Community Center (Revels);Â
April 20th, 7PM: In-person polling – 8PM Baronial Business Meeting (Location TBD).  Â
Only paid members are eligible to receive a polling form. Those who reside within the boundaries of the Barony will receive their forms at the in-person polling on DATE TBD. Officers and Sergeants residing outside this area and those that want an absentee polling form must contact the Seneschal with proof of membership and mailing address no later than 5PM April 7th, 2020. Those who do not contact the Seneschal by this deadline will not receive a polling form. Anyone who does not receive a polling form is welcome to send comments to the Crown directly.
More information can be found at Dragonsmist.antir.org. Â
Additional questions may be directed to Sir Istvan Gyori, Seneschal of Dragon’s Mist.Â