Unto the populace of The Barony of Dragon’s Mist,We are accepting letters of intent for the position of Seneschal for the Barony of Dragon’s Mist.
Per our customary, letters will be reviewed by the current Seneschal, Their Excellencies, another baronial officer, and three members of the populace prior to a candidate being brought to a vote at council.
Letters must be submitted to the Seneschal adragonsmist.seneschal@antir.org no later than noon on Sunday July 19th.
A council meeting will be scheduled for Monday July 20th where the selection of the new seneschal will take place. The newly selected Seneschal should expect to take over within one month of their selection.
If you have any questions, please reach out to the current Seneschal, or Their Excellencies.
Following is the description of the responsibilities of the Seneschal per the customary of the Barony.
Seneschal –
- Responsible for the coordination of the Society activities in the Barony and is the legal representative for the Barony Preside at monthly business meetings, prepare and execute the meeting agenda.
- Required to sit on the Financial Committee of the Barony.
- Ensure that Officers are performing their duties and that reports are being submitted in a timely fashion, as defined in this Customary and by the laws of An Tir and Corpora.
Thank You,Sir István GyÅ‘ri UlfredssonSeneschal, Barony of Dragon’s Mist