Amigos y vecinos, Another season turns, and as We enter Autumn, We are so proud of the turnout for both our Championship event and Boar’s Head. So many smiling faces and joyous activities were shared by citizens of Dragon’s Mist and Our neighbors of the Tri-barony area.
This is a thing We wish to emphasize: there are a hundred ways to have fun in the SCA. Which ones are best to include in Dragon’s Mist events, and how can We go about them most effectively so that they are fun to participate in and fun to run? As We go into a season of rest and recuperation, please consider what you’d like to see Dragon’s Mist doing to enhance the fun and the frivolity We all love so much in these lands. We have months to ponder this subject before Carnevale comes around again. Please get in touch with Her Excellency and myself if you have thoughts you’d like to share.
If you were at Champions/ Tri-BATT, you will have noticed that We have acquired a new shield for the regalia of the Armored champion. Boar’s Head saw the addition of new baldrics for Our Youth and Child champions. This is something We will continue to work on in the year We have left as your Baron and Baroness. Updating or expanding the regalia of Our champions is a priority, so that those who vie for Our titles have the best possible honors We can help them display on their persons.
En servicio a la baronÃa y al reino,